Saturday, January 30, 2010

my foundation

i was asked this week what value is my foundation for building my life on? my answer was fairness. i so often find myslef disturbed or wrestling with the truth of things in life that are so seemingly unfair. and these last 10 days have left me a bit side swiped.
haiti so overtly unfair!
big troubles on the home front as jereme is off in red deer all week @ school and then heads home for the weekends. these should be wonderful times of reconecting and being a family. but they have proved to be of great adjustment for all of us. the fact that we cannot easliy move through lifes transisitions is unfair.
early in the week, by tuesday to be exact, i learnt the news that three of my friends were losing their pregnancies. 3? yes 3! (do bad things really happen in three's?) this breaks my heart on so many levels and has me calling out unfair! i am sad for each of thier losses. it all too quickly reminds of our own loss and that of others before these. i am faced with the reality of lifes fragility and how all too often i take it forgranted and vow yet again to stop doing that. as a woman who is so passionate for birth and babies and womb life it hits me at the very core of my being and leaves me with an unexplanable emptiness. kowing that there is little i can do.
and then there is the moment i called for an ambulance to come to my barely responsive son on thursday morning. he is fine after spending the morning at the stollery and though skylar was thrilled to go for an ambulance ride, all the disruption to our already disrupted lives, is well, unfair.
so i am somber, but fine. tierd but living life. i learnt a few years back, nearly three to be exact, that there are things in this life, questions of why mostly, that are not for me to concern myself with. that is what trusting the lord is about. his plans are for good and i know that when i don't know why, he does and that somehow gives peace to my heart.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

here i am!

So, i fear that this post will be a bit disjointed as i try to play catch up with the events of our lives this winter thus far. Lets go back into the tail end of november, a few things worth mentioning are; being mommy helper at skylars school for a bread baking day.

One day i woke to an empty family bed and a suspiciously quiet house, when i came down the stair i was greeted with the statement,:WELCOME TO CANDY LAND!!!" and the following image...

[please not the length of skylars hair in these two photo's and compare it with these.]

the product of mommy's scrapbooking weekend and daddy's nap.
December was spent decorating the house for the big birthday celebration, enjoying advent and preparing for our home made christmas and annual open house.

and we spent that morning, (the open house morning) shooting for a family photo.

and there. next post we will cover christmas and into the new year. wishing you merry-ment.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

where did wee go?

what to share? where to start? the longer you leave this sort of thing the harder it is to return it would seem. but i will prevail! i see that amidst the events of jereme mission trip hype, i over looked the sharing of sir timbers 2nd birthday. (sorry timbit.)

and since my mid night riser is coming down the stairs, i guesss that is it for now. I WILL BE BACK!